viernes, 14 de enero de 2011

Human Rights

0. Take the Quiz: do you know about rights? what's your score?

My score of quiz was 27/41.It could be better but I think it isn't a bad score because the questions are confusing and very especifics.

1. What are human rights?

The concept of human right is that everyone in this world have the same rights and restrictions, and that makes us equal no matter where are you from or what you do.

2. When did human rights start?

They start after world war II,10th of December in 1984.
After the war they had to make this rights because people's level of life was under the "normal" or considered appropiate, and lots of them were battered by poverty

3. Why were they created?

The same as before.After the war they need to put some rules to leave the disaster.They try to solve the world and their problems.

4. How many human rights are there?

There are 30 human rights in total.each of them has importance to our society. Maybe some rights are more important in a country and others are more important in another country.

5. Which human right were you not familiar with?

it surprised me know that there existed the right to play. A lot of them are obvious but this one it wasn't be familiar to me.

6. Choose one human right and discuss:

Human Right # 2

-Don't Discriminate:

I choose this right,I think actually this isn’t fully respected, in front the law system everything is alright and everybody are good persons who punish those who discriminate others, and cheer for a non-discrimination world, but behind this sweet, kind and nice face (side) of the society, there is a completely different world. Maybe not everybody discriminate people, but so many does. There are some who discriminate women, even if we’re in XX century, lots of people, even women, discriminate women and this can be shown on some jobs, where even if they’re doing the same, the man gets paid more than the women.

You Can see some examples of discrimination.

7. Are Humans rights relevant in the world today? why?

Humans right are supposed to be there to protect people, but even the big leaders of this world don’t respect them, but mostly of them hide the truth from the rest of the world. An example is when the world found what’s going on Guantamo but no one could give reasonable explanations about it. While in this world are still people like that there will never be equality or truly respect for human rights, it happened on the past, is happening in the present and if people don’t change their mind, will continue on future.