domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011
Hi everyone!
This is the last composition on this blog,we have to do an reflection of all we do it on this year. all our improvement on our level of english...I saw my composition of last year and have seen some improvement between the first and the last.
There have been some activities that helped me improve my English ... for example the oral exposition.I think,nevertheless, my improvement hasn't been great.I have much fear of failing the "selectividad exam", because my English isn't very good.
Personally, the activity less useful to us was the review of a movie. I don’t mean that this activity was a waste of time, but in comparation with others this was the least useful.
although I haven't much improved, I think my English has improved a bit this year in comparation of last year.
about the idea of english blog, for me it could be a good idea if we didn't have to do a lot of compositions,because if we have a lot in the same time we can't do it very well.
In conclusion, I can say the activity who helped me the most to improve my english it was the Oral presentation. Because we had to look for information about your topic,correct composition,using correct verbs and forms, and care about the meaning of each sentences and the completely presentation. Also because not only you had to write, you had to memorize too and speak. I think the oral part is always complicated because sometimes pronunciation is not good, and people get nervious. But even though, this activity was very useful to me.
For that,we have to do always the oral expositions for practise our level of english and try to progress.
Thank you for all.bye
domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011
We have a few tests and we know if we pass or not.
this is terrible, and if I fail? no, I hope I pass.
and after the "Selectividad", we travel to menorca. It will be a unique journey with all high school classmates.
we will go there one week,we will pass "sant juan" will be a very special sant juan.
I hope to spend a unique and memorable week for a lifetime.
then comes the summer, I will work the weekends and I have all the week to enjoy the summer.
So I hope everything goes well, and I having a good summer, then we expect a new life.
Luckily for everyone.
A: Hello Sir ... I wanted to make a series of questions about his work ...
P: Ask me anything, I'm here to answer you all.
A: Ooh, thanks, very nice! as I know, for a few years, this work has lost many farmers. Do you think that's true?
P:unfortunately ... yes, it's true!
A:You know why?
P: mmm ... well,I don't understand what happened, maybe this work has lost its value.
A: why this value has been lost?
P: the truth ... because it doesn't win as much money as in other works, perhaps?
A: yes...Could be...
P:Also because they exist other jobs which are more prestigious than this.
A:That's painfull...personally I love this job.
P:Oh,great! I like to hear this from a young man like you.
A: Yees! When I start college, I would like to study agriculture and these things.
P:Good boy,always when you need help,you can come here.okey?
A:Thanks for all,I will come whenever I can.
P: Thank you very much:) bye!
A:Good morning!
Environment phrase.
Azerbaijan's song won the Eurovision Song Contest 2011.A romantic ballad that appealed to many people.
Azerbaijan participated for the first time in 2008, and three years later was able to win the festival.
but I think the votes are made by favoritism, each country votes to th neighboring country.
24 or 25 countries participated.The Spanish singer, Lucia Perez, was finally in the penultimate position.
For me, the song was good compared to others.
But it isn't received many votes.In contrast, others which didn't deserve to have a lot of votes, they received more.I think they should vote for the music and didn't give importance to the country.
viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011
News:Bin laden
Bin Laden, who had been top of the US most wanted list since the attacks on New York and Washington in 2001, was killed by US special forces in northern Pakistan on Monday.
The body of the al-Qaeda leader was then buried at sea from a US aircraft carrier.information about the apparent plans unearthed in Pakistan was contained in a joint FBI and Homeland Security bulletin, the Associated Press news agency said.
The bulletin, circulated to law enforcement officials, said the idea to tamper with an unspecified US railway track was found in handwritten notes taken from Bin Laden's compound.
According to the bulletin al-Qaeda operatives planned to derail a train so that it would plunge into a valley, or from a bridge, AP reported.
"While it is clear that there was some level of planning for this type of operation in February 2010, we have no recent information to indicate an active ongoing plot to target transportation and no information on possible locations or specific targets," the warning read.
Maybe my idea is strange but...
To me it's not so clear that Bin Laden is dead.
if indeed they killed him, why they didn't show us his body?
I think they did this because the president was losing votes.
The only way to save him it was announcing the death of Bin Laden, because bin Laden in the EE.UU must be the most hated person.
Another idea I had about this news is that perhaps they knew where he was before, but they didn't say so far. They had hidden somewhere, and they abused him to extract information about al-Qaeda.
What I mean is that I still don't believe that they have murdered and thrown him overboard, because for me it is incredible.They should have shown the body at least.
Formal Letter
Urb. Castelló nou nº5
17486 Castelló d’Empúries
14th April 2011
John Rich
Director General
World Nuclear Organization
Thames Tower, Blacks Road,
Hammersmith, London W6 9EL
Dear Mr John Rich,
I am Douaa Ikane, a student from IES Castelló d’Empúries, a school from Spain. I am writing to you in order give you my opinion about the disaster of the Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan.
In my opinion, what happened in Japan this month is a big tragedy, and one of the biggest natural tragedies of the History. The Tsunami, has already killed more than 3600 people and left them without homes.
Due to this disaster, other countries should colaborate in helping them by anything they can or they will be able to do. For example by searching a way to stop the radiation problem, nowdays, the biggest problem they have.
However, Japan is a strong and determined country which is now fighting through all these problems and trying to find a solution by itself. Step by step they’re reconstructing the area affected and warning people about thing that are infected by radiation, so they can’t eat or drink.
Hopefully, everything will be okay, the worst time already has gone.
Yours sincerely,
Douaa Ikane
lunes, 25 de abril de 2011
My sisters
Film:"3 metros sobre el cielo"
viernes, 8 de abril de 2011
The Europe-wide study of 363,988 people reported in the British Medical Journal found one in 10 of all cancers in men and one in 33 in women were caused by past or current alcohol intake.
More than 18% of alcohol-related cancers in men and about 4% in women were linked to excessive drinking.
The Department of Health said it was taking action to reduce drinking.
Cancer charities say people should limit their drinking to lower the risk.
The study calculated that in 2008 current and past drinking habits were responsible for about 13,000 cancer cases in the UK, out of a total of 304,000 cases.
Previous research has shown a link between alcohol consumption and cancers of the oesophagus, liver, bowel and female breast.
When alcohol is broken down by the body it produces a chemical which can damage DNA, increasing the chance of developing cancer.
Coment about the news.
I'm shocked about this news because never I could think that Cancer it could be caused with alcohol.
Always we relation the cancer with smoking but never with drinking.
Even so I think that is affect to people who drink a lot.
But if alcohol everytime is more affecting on the people,I think governments should take measures,because always they talk about problems with tobacco, but they leave the problems which can generate the alcohol.
Apparently, alcohol as time passes produce more severe consequences than other drugs. For that, people should care more, especially men who are the most affected by this problem.
domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011
The Family Crew!!
My Cousin
sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011
The Scream by Edward Munch
One theory advanced to account for the reddish sky in the background is that Munch had observed an effect of the powerful volcanic eruption of Krakatoa in 1883: the ash that was ejected from the volcano left the sky tinted red in much of eastern United States and most of Europe and Asia from the end of November 1883 to the middle of February 1884.
This explanation has been disputed by scholars who note that Munch was an expressive (Expresionism = Expresionisme), rather than a descriptive painter.
I personaly like this painting because of the many colors you find in. It's very expressive and it shows the feeling of stress and surprise. Seems like he's covering his ears from something and at the same time his mouth its opened, like screaming. He looks afraid of something,
I heard that Munich had a traumatic life and this was a period where painters were so afraid about what's going to happen in the next century.
The scene is located in Oslo, where Munich is. He studied in Paris and Italy. This man is suposed to be inspired on a Peruvian Mummy he saw.
Where do we Come from? What are We? Where Are we Going?
Is this "person" screaming, or covering his ears from someone who's screaming??
Slumdog Millionaire
Ophiuchus, the new Horoscop
The Indian astronom Park Kunkle has triggered the alarm between horoscop lover. In a interview on the diary Minnesota Star Tribute, of which has been echoed by several media, Kunkle said that the modern Zodiac Signs are mistaken. In the Zodiac we have to know that, 3,000 years before, the gravity of the moon changed and this affected the stars changing its posiitons and making a new Zodiac Sign.
The new Sign is called Ophiuchus and it affects to those persons who born between 30th november and 17th December, the actual Sagitario.
When these news came, in 48h became a hot topic searched in Google, Yahoo, Ask Jeeves and Naver.
The new distribution of the Zodiac is:
Capricornio: from 20th January to 16 February
Acuario: from 16th February to 11th of March
Picis: from 11th March to 18 April
Aries: from 18th April to 13th May
Tauro: from 13th June to 21 June
Geminis: from 21th of June to 20t July
Cancer: from 20th July to 10th August
Leo: from 10th August to 16th September
Virgo: from 16th september to 30th October
Libra: from 30th October to 23th November
Ophiuchus: from 29th November to 17th December
Sagitario: from 17th December yo 20th January
If you're one of those people who were born between 29 November and 17th December.- it’s called the man's time with the snake - as the horoscopic synthesis says, you are a good interpreter of dreams, you have talent on premonity and you attract the good luck to you, you have a natural passion for alchemy and, you like bright colors, you number is twelve and you could be a good architect as Imotep.
Ophiuchus is a large constellation located around the celestial equator.
Its name is from the Greek "serpent-bearer", and it is commonly represented as a man graSping the snake that is represented by the constellation Serpens. Ophiuchus was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolomeo, and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations. It was formerly referred to as Serpentarius, a Latin word meaning the same as its current name.
Actually this fenomenon caused lots of problems like personality transtorn, lots of people are asking themselves who they are and they feel like they were living a lie, obviously, this just happens to some crazy people.
viernes, 14 de enero de 2011
Human Rights
My score of quiz was 27/41.It could be better but I think it isn't a bad score because the questions are confusing and very especifics.
1. What are human rights?
The concept of human right is that everyone in this world have the same rights and restrictions, and that makes us equal no matter where are you from or what you do.
2. When did human rights start?
They start after world war II,10th of December in 1984.
After the war they had to make this rights because people's level of life was under the "normal" or considered appropiate, and lots of them were battered by poverty
3. Why were they created?
The same as before.After the war they need to put some rules to leave the disaster.They try to solve the world and their problems.
4. How many human rights are there?
There are 30 human rights in total.each of them has importance to our society. Maybe some rights are more important in a country and others are more important in another country.
5. Which human right were you not familiar with?
it surprised me know that there existed the right to play. A lot of them are obvious but this one it wasn't be familiar to me.
6. Choose one human right and discuss:
Human Right # 2
-Don't Discriminate:
I choose this right,I think actually this isn’t fully respected, in front the law system everything is alright and everybody are good persons who punish those who discriminate others, and cheer for a non-discrimination world, but behind this sweet, kind and nice face (side) of the society, there is a completely different world. Maybe not everybody discriminate people, but so many does. There are some who discriminate women, even if we’re in XX century, lots of people, even women, discriminate women and this can be shown on some jobs, where even if they’re doing the same, the man gets paid more than the women.
You Can see some examples of discrimination.
7. Are Humans rights relevant in the world today? why?
Humans right are supposed to be there to protect people, but even the big leaders of this world don’t respect them, but mostly of them hide the truth from the rest of the world. An example is when the world found what’s going on Guantamo but no one could give reasonable explanations about it. While in this world are still people like that there will never be equality or truly respect for human rights, it happened on the past, is happening in the present and if people don’t change their mind, will continue on future.